The Wonderful World of Why's!
Why Mommy? Why Papa? Why? Why? Why? Welcome to our world! Josh has always said that he never wants to say because to any question the kids ask. He wants to give good answers so they will learn or get bored and stop asking the same question. For the last two months Noelle has officially been in the why stage. The first why isn't usually to hard to answer, it is the fourth why that gets very hard to respond to without getting irritated. Josh is still trying hard to answer all of her questions thoughtfully, but I am beginning to think sometimes, because is a perfectly good answer. It's especially hard when I've been up all night with a birth, and it's the fourth why about why a stuffed peacock animal is called a peacock...
A Family Tradition
For as long as I can remember, my folks have had a row of pine trees that line our backyard. Each December, we would go cut down the chosen tree to be our special Christmas tree. This year Noelle joined the family tradition. It was a bit cold, but she watched as my dad sawed down the tree. She enjoyed shaking the dead needles off the tree as we drug it up to the house. I remember doing the same thing as a child and it is so nice to carry on this tradition. Though as kids, it was my sister and my responsibility to stand out and water each of the trees through the long hot summer days. Now that we are gone they have a much more safisticated system to get the job done. I guess it is worth all the hard work, because they always have a beautiful tree each season.
Sharing is hard work!
On Saturday we took a quick trip to Ankeny, Iowa to see our friends, the Brewers.
Ella and Noelle had fun playing and worked hard at sharing without crying. Xander of course got along with everyone. It snowed some on our trip up there, but I wouldn't know what to do if I planned a winter road trip without a snow storm occuring.
Let it Snow!
Today was the first snow fall of the season and Noelle was very excited! From the minute she awoke, she wanted to get her Papa up and go play in the snow. I guess maybe this year I will be able to get the drive shoveled in a timely fashion, since Noelle is on the case. (It seems to have worked for getting the dishes done.) Xander and I chose to stay warm inside and play with the camera. He really seems to like the Christmas stocking his Grandma Jan made for him.
Because Troy said so...
According to Troy, I need to start a blog since I am always sending out pictures and info about the family to everyone. Little does he know that I already had a blog! I just haven't been good about keeping it current, since the first and last post was two months ago. I still need to figure out how to use it to it's fullest potential. I just figured out how to post pictures today, so I'll give it another try. I'm sure I won't be as faithful a poster as the Swanson's, but I will do my best.